
The Most Popular 10 Books of All Time

the most popular 10 books of all time

There are some books that add excitement to our lives. But you need to be able to discover the book or help to be discovered by other people. That’s what we’re doing. In this article we have searched the 10 best-selling or read books for you. Here are the results:

10. Da Vinci Code: 80 million

Da Vinci Code was a great success at the end of its first week of sales. He got into the New York Times list of Bestsellers by number 1. Also Da Vinci Code kept its first place in Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly and San Francisco Chronicle’s best sellers’ list for a long time. Colombia Pictures bought the movie rights of the book.

9. Lion, Witch and Wardrobe: 85 million

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy dive into a gateway in a magical wardrobe and find themselves in Narnia. But Narnia is not the old Narnia. Because it is frozen by a wicked witch and lives always winter here. Narnia is the book which includes The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and mid-earth creatures.

7. The  Dream of the Red Chamber: 100 million

The dream of the Chamber is one of the most popular books lat 50 years.

The Dream of the Red Chamber is a novel written in semi-autobiography. Book tells the rise and collapse of Cao Xueqin’s own family as well as the Qing Dynasty. As he explained in the first chapter, it is a memorial that dedicated to women whom he met in his youth, relatives and servants. The book is also important in that it is a detailed analysis of the social structure of the 18th century Chinese aristocracy, in addition to its wide character cadre and its associated psychological dimension.

6. And Then There were None: 100 million

Ten people who have caused the deaths of other people because of their decisions, mistakes or negligence in the past keep it as a secret. One day they receive a letter from a man named Una Nancy Owen and are invited to a fancy mansion on the Negro Island for vacation. Guests cannot remember where they met the person named Owen, but they see the invitation as a free holiday opportunity and accept the offer. But when they arrive at the island, a surprise awaits them: The landlord is absent. There are two attendants on the island who are only husband and wife waiting for them. Another interesting aspect of the situation is that the couple have never seen the owner of the island too.

5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: 107 million

Harry saw a seal of purple wax as his hands quivered and turned the envelope; a coat of arms “A lion, an eagle, a badger, and a snake around the letter H “.

In addition, Harry Potter thinks that he is an ordinary child but his life has been changed a letter which brings by an owl. He was accepted to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry although he did not apply. Here, he takes interesting lessons from each other, runs from adventure to adventure with his two friends. He becomes a resourceful magician at an early age with he learns what he lives.

And also other books of the series;

  • Half-Blood Prince – 65 million
  • Chamber of Secrets – 60 million
  • Prisoner of Azkaban – 55 million
  • Goblet of Fire – 55 million
  • The Order of the Phoenix – 55 million
  • Deathly Hallows – 50 million

4. The Little Prince: 140 million

The story tells the world of elders from the eyes of a child. The book begins with the pilot falling into the Sahara Desert meet with the Little Prince, consists of twenty-seven chapters. Particularly in the sections of describing the trips of the Little Prince to six different planets, some typical adult life styles are criticized.

3. The Hobbit: 140.6 million

The book on Middle Earth is about Bilbo Baggins and his adventures. The book tells the changing life of Bilbo Baggins that 13 dwarfs who were sent home by Gandalf at a time when he never expected. Also, the discovery of the One Ring that will change the fate of Middle-earth, the murder of the great dragon Smaug, and the liberation of the ancient dwarf city Erebor is in this great book.

2. Lord of the Rings: 150 million

Without doubt The Lord of the Rings series is one the best books and movie of all time.

It is Oxford University Professor J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic fantasy novel. The story began as a continuation of the 1937 Hobbit which written by Tolkien for children, but eventually became a much larger work. However, it was most written in World War II, completed in stages between 1937 and 1949. It’s the second best-selling novel of all time with over 150 million sales.

1. A Tale of Two Cities: 200 million

A tale of two cities is the most popular book of all time.

The book tells the story of Doctor Manette, who survived 18 years in a prison in Paris, not guilty, with the help of an old friend. Afterwards he met by chance upon his return to London with a French who is Mr. Charles Darnay and married with the daughter of a Charles Darnay. Their marriage and the effects of the French Revolution that happened just after their marriage has been told in the book.  In conclusion, in this book that deals with the spiritual changes of these people, we can see many historical traces.

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