Sun is the life source of Planet Earth. Besides of that there are unique miracles that the sun creates in the human body. We will share all these miracles in this content. Apart from the benefits of the sun, there are also damages on the human body and psychology. In this content, we will talk about solutions that can make the damages of the sun useful and what miracles it creates on our health without realizing it.
The Benefits of the Sun to Human Health and Life
As the weather get warmed, people began to take precautions to protect themselves from the sun. Some of the people to protect from the sun put on glasses, hats, accessories before to go out. Good welcome but are they enough to be protected? Yes, it is a very bad contrast. The sun is both a great requirement for the human body and a warrior that threatens human beings. So how can we use the Sun only for our benefit? Yes, after talking about these things, let’s find out the benefits and harms of the sun and, most importantly, how the sun’s rays become useful.
7. Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer
The sun firstly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. A short walk under the sun at noon can reduce the risk of developing this disease. Vitamin D plays an important role in reducing the risk of breast cancer. When the skin is under the sun it produces vitamin D.
6. Strengthens Bones

The body’s vitamin D requirement is largely provided by the sun. Vitamin D is needed to strengthen the bones and especially the teeth. Medical experts, the sun’s rays in the body to produce vitamin D is pointing to produce. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in assimilating the calcium that is necessary for the body itself.
5. Fight against Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is more common in women who do not appear in the sun stating that the experts should take advantage of the sun.
4. Rescues from Pessimism
Are you morally corrupt? Are you looking at the world behind black glasses? The best medicine for you will be the sun’s rays. Sun rays boost the morale of the brain and accelerate the production of hormones called serotonin. It also helps to produce a hormone called melatonin on a sunny and bright day. Melatonin saves you from pessimism.
3. Appetize
The sun’s rays can replace the perfect diet. Controlling psychological hunger, the sun’s rays prevent you from starvation. In the winter months, the production of serotonin is reduced due to the lack of sunlight and people start eating more food. Sunlight plays an important role in weight gain in winter.
2. Reduces Acne
Staying under the sun for a long time increases the risk of skin cancer. This is real. But certain doses of sunbathing, many problems of the skin. Sun Rays are recommended for eczema, acne and even dandruff. As you can see, the benefits of the sun don’t stop counting. But listen to these things to benefit from these benefits.
1. Enables you to feel energetic

It is much more appropriate to take advantage of his friendship instead of escaping from the sun. Experts do not end up counting the benefits of the sun. You can benefit from this energy source with 10-15 minutes cures per day, provided you do not miss the dose.
The Sun’s Harm to People
One of the biggest damages in the sun is the burns on the skin. Skin ultraviolet rays increase the risk of dangerous diseases such as cataract, especially skin cancer.
Skin burns, skin cancers, cataracts, hot depression (hot fatigue) and heat stroke of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, hot and increased humidity are the most important diseases due to the rate. Because of the increase in temperature and humidity, complaints such as fatigue, palpitations, redness of the skin, dizziness, fatigue, excessive sweating and rarely vomiting occur, while an increase in respiration is observed. If these complaints, which are also signs of heat stroke, increase, patients should be transferred to health centres. But we can turn these damages into benefit. If you read in detail the above information and put it into your life, you can minimize the sun damage.
Hours to Maximize Benefits of the Sun

The sun is very inconvenient in certain hours, these hours effect more harm than good. That’s what the sun uses. At what times the sun smiles at us. To take advantage of the sun, you have to choose morning and evening hours. It is inconvenient to have a sun bath under the sun. In the morning and late afternoon, you can make the most of the sun’s rays.
Before 11:00
Between these hours, children who are under 3 years of age should always be able to benefit from the sun. After the first days you can stay in the sun for as long as you cannot overdo it. Take care to drink plenty of water in the sun.