Bad breaths are the fearful dream for most of us. We can’t always cope with the bad breath we believe we can overcome with chewing gum. Here are 10 amazing ways to get rid of bad breath!
Bad smells in the breath are an embarrassing health situation that affects about 25% to 30% of people in the world. It is also known as halitosis. When we consume strong fragrant foods such as garlic and onion, the fragrance remains in our mouths and it is not easy to go. Sometimes it’s not enough to brush our teeth just to get rid of these bad smells. If you don’t want to live with this smell all day long, you can get rid of bad smell by using the natural products mentioned in this content.
Did you know that 25 percent of people who complain to dentists of bad breath are actually Halitosis? Halitosis is a psychological disorder defined as Hal fear of bad breath Hal. You may have those who don’t have it, but it is known that bad breath affects one of the two people and causes self-confidence issues.
Causes of Halitosis;
- Nose and Throat Infection
- To Smoke
- Alcoholism
- Dry mouth
- Disease
- Food
- Poor Dental Hygiene
- Oral Ulcers
Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath;
- Hydrate
- Green and Black Tea
- Chewing Gum
- Sunflower Seeds
- Fruit and Vegetable Juice
- Carnations
- Lemon juice
- Apple vinegar
- Carbonate
- Cinnamon
10. Hydrate
Water is the most basic substance that promotes saliva production and thus prevents bacterial growth in the mouth. But do not assume that drinking caffeinated and sugary drinks will replace water, aim to drink at least 8 glasses of natural water per day. So Drinking water is one of the best ways to get rid of bad breath. Every day enough to drink in a sufficient amount of your breath is required to remain fresh. Moisturizing your mouth will also make your mouth smell less when you wake up in the morning. Frequent and abundant water is not only useful for kidneys but also for reducing bad breath. Drink plenty of water to help prevent spittle odor.
9. Green and Black Tea

Polyphenols in black and green tea help to remove bad breath. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants, so they slow down the formation of bacteria as well as cleanse the hard to reach areas of your mouth. Chamomile tea, acidosis and dysbiosis caused by the help against bad breath. You can benefit from this natural plant that cleanses the toxins in your blood to eliminate the bad breath caused by the disruption of the flora in your intestines and the filtering organs like the liver. So green tea and black tea contain antioxidants that can stop the growth of bacteria responsible for bad breath. Alternatively, you can consume Sega tea. Add dried sega juice to a glass of hot water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes, consume 3 to 4 times a day.
8. Gum
Chewing gum prevents your mouth from drying out and absorbs the saliva of our mouths, so it is a very effective and easy solution to get rid of bad breath. Especially the addition of zinc-added chewing gum and chewing gum enriched with probiotic bacteria is more beneficial than others. Contains chewing gums with xylitol component helps prevent caries.
7. Sunflower Seeds
Chew the sunflower seeds during the day to clear your mouth and drink a glass of water. It will remove bad odors from your mouth and provide refreshment. We recommend that you use it immediately after eating. It increases the number of healthy bacteria in your gut and eliminates the bad breath caused by digestive diseases. In addition, it reduces the production of odorous sulfur gases and odors due to gum bleeding.
6. Fruit and Vegetable Juice
Drinking vegetables and fruit juice will certainly help people suffering from bad breath. Fruit juices are very useful in treating bad breath problem.
5. Carnation
In addition to being one of the indispensable spices of kitchens, cloves have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of many diseases. Medical drugs, clove dried buds, stems and leaves are prepared. Clove oil made from dried buds is also known for its medicinal properties. In general, the plant removes bad breath odor and is also used for toothache. In addition, indigestion, nausea, acne, such as skin problems, especially to a lot of discomfort. High antioxidant power and very good painkiller, bacteria and anti-inflammatory. So this is one of the oldest known recommendations, but you can be sure that it is both the cheapest and one of the most effective. Clove has antibacterial properties which are useful for getting rid of bad breath. Alternatively, you can drink clove tea and get away from the smell all day long. Add a teaspoon of clove to a glass of water, to wait for 10-15 minutes to infuse.
4. Lemon Juice

With its acidic content, lemon juice cleanses the mouth odor and prevents bacterial growth in the mouth. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a cup of hot water, whether you want to gargle and you will get rid of the smell of mouth.
3. Apple Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is consumed as a very successful remedy for bad breath thanks to its high pH level. Whether it be used as a mouthwash or a single sip will work. Gargle with apple cider vinegar prevents the formation of bad breath by killing bacteria in the mouth. It is enough to drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to get rid of bad breath.
2. Carbonate
It is also known as soda bicarbonate. Carbonate balances the acid level that causes bad breath. It also fights with bacteria in the mouth. Stir in a glass of warm water and eat immediately.
1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon reduces the number of bacteria in the mouth and manages to remove bad odors from your mouth. A teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of water is enough to drink. You can also add cardamom and laurel. Shaking and spitting will also work. A special oil in cinnamon shells destroys the bacteria in the mouth.